  • DirectorPaul Ruven and Kees Vlaanderen
  • CountryNederland
  • Year2014
  • Status Released

De Vluchtkerk

Een oud politicus (Helmert Woudenberg) wil media-aandacht afdwingen voor de uitgeprocedeerde vluchtelingen, die uit de Vluchtkerk moeten, door te doen alsof hij gegijzeld is.

Uit de reeks Duivelse Dilemma’s van HUMAN

A combination of reality and fiction, the film was shot in the actual ‘Vluchtkerk’ in Amsterdam, a sanctuary church housing refugees whose every possible procedures were exhausted. Actors were placed among the real refugees, and had to partially improvise with them. Three days after the shoot, the refugees were really evicted from the church and left to their own fates on the streets, mirroring the events in the film.

Actor Bright Richards, who plays the leader of the refugees, is a refugee himself in real life, having fled from Liberia twenty years ago.

In debatcentrum De Balie gaan de films in première en wordt gedebatteerd met ervaringsdeskundigen, experts, filosofen en makers. Eva Grosfeld, Maartje Duin en Eibe van der Velden interviewden verschillende sprekers tijdens het debat in De Balie.